Once all the scenes were aligned in the order they needed to be, I had to make sure the timing was right. This included both editing the time and speeding up the time. Some scenes were not included in the film because it dragged out the time. To begin with, the first editing was done on the school laptop. What had to be done was run the entire film. Once I did that, I saw that the duration went a little over 2 minutes. So, I had to go back and check and see which scenes to cut down even more. I first cut down the first opening scene by a couple seconds. Then I cut down one of the interaction scenes so there wasn’t a conversation anymore. This gave me less time which was good for the film. Then the phone call scene was cut, in a way that it looked like a jump cut. The phone convo was cut very short. Then the scene were I discovered the bodies was also cut so that I wasn’t walking too much from scene to scene. Then more editing came into play. The scene where I discover the bodies is where I sped up the time. Even more so, I added a lighter contrast color and some shadows in the back to really bring out the blood and gory of the scene. Speeding up the scene allowed the music in the background to nicely correspond with the scene overall. The next few scenes that followed were also cut down. I made sure to show my group members so that it made sense and didn’t look too choppy. By doing all this, I achieved a time of 1 minute and 58 seconds.
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